The author and her stallion, Amador TCV, without whom there would not be this book.
• Please email me if you would like your book(s) inscribed to someone in particular. I am happy to do this for you. It will make your book(s) extra special!
• Email me here if you would like to discuss a book signing. Please provide some basic details. I will email you back directly.
• If you are a retailer and would like to order a shipment of signed books for your store, this is also the best way to contact me initially.
• I welcome short book reviews (just a few sentences). Let me know if I may include your review on this website and also make it available for advertising. Please sign your review as you would like it to appear. I occasionally need to do some minor editing for space purposes or grammar/spelling corrections.
I am very good about responding to emails. I generally check them several times a day.
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